About Luxi

Credit: Unnamed Artist


Back in the days, when computers were a new thing, let’s say Web 1, is when I played on a black screen with neon green codes of… C and : or something?

Growing up in a family full of engineers, where my grandfathers and father worked on sound technology, televisions, textiles in their individual careers, problem-solving is second-nature to me. I had broken a lot of things that I took apart to understand how they’re made. I was also a very active child who broke furniture and got myself hurt play-practicing martial arts. Besides worrying the adults, it wasn’t bad enough for me to become a cyborg.

While studying art in school, I got really bored hanging out with schoolmates who made yarn sculptures all day. But I was also bored of writing code where one wrong line can break an entire program. It wasn’t until my Rainbow Catcher school project, that I realized I need to simultaneously exercise my left and right brain. For the project, I alchemized weather data to visually map rainbows within a specific driving distance. My professor loved it and kept it as her course reference.

Where worlds meet, between digital and physical, spiritual and material, mundane and the ethers, is where Luxi exists.

Luxi Ye

Luxi excels in transforming unique, never-before-seen concepts into reality by integrating best practices and mature solutions with emerging technologies like AI, Web3 (blockchain), and immersive experiences, thereby creating enduring future offerings.


Virtual Real-Person