
Credit: Josh Sorenson


Competition does not exist in the 5D. It’s all about Quantum.

In quantum thinking, a cat can be both dead or alive before its condition is witnessed and it is up to one’s own determination of the outcome. Wait, you can choose? We can talk about this later in Health. So then… why compete with others in their game instead of creating your own?

I am a true believer in the invisible hand, “a metaphor for the unseen forces that move the free market economy. Through individual self-interest and freedom of production and consumption, the best interest of society, as a whole, are fulfilled”. —

It is essential to establish self-sovereignty with a solid foundation, like the root to a plant. This is an act to avoid unhealthy behaviors of co-dependency. Then, expand into a network like a mycorrhizal by integrating with like-minded communities to achieve interdependence.

If the reference to nature doesn’t resonate, then think of the groundwork to a building, the mycorrhizal would be pipelines that supply energy. This system can form a city.

Why can't I just build without communities?

Because there's a higher risk of resource running out during market change. Communities allow for resource diversification and exchange. Just like nutrients being transported from one plant to another through the mycorrhizal.

Why can't I just build without groundwork?

First of all, things will collapse. Then, it's a lot easier to be acquired. Think of monopoly or conditional sugar daddies. Unless it's part of your strategy, then with all due respect, we all get to create our own game.

I am

Rooting for Interdependence!

Luxi Ye

Luxi excels in transforming unique, never-before-seen concepts into reality by integrating best practices and mature solutions with emerging technologies like AI, Web3 (blockchain), and immersive experiences, thereby creating enduring future offerings.



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